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Remove eye lighting adaptation


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First of all I'll say this is my first post here (just the forums) so I apologize if I do something wrong in advance :P


So I'm getting extremely irritated sometimes when, in very lit areas I find myself seeing some pitch dark spots, or in very dark areas I see some burnt-out white spots. It's really annoying how the lighting comes and goes depending on where you stand, and it's not even realistic, cause it's terribly exagerated to be so.

I started investigating all over the internet, and found some console commands which let you disable this. The problem is, those settings go together with a bunch of other HDR stuff, bloom, light levels, etc, and you have to set all the values at once for the command to work. Worst part is, every time you change areas, all those settings change, and so do the ones I want to disable.

I even tried making a script that would set every setting with a shortcut, but that kinda ruins the whole lighting and colors, cause every place has a different natural setting, and with that method I'd set it always to the same in every place.


The console commands can be found here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim_talk:Console. Look for "HDR" in there. It seems they are extremely unkwnown for some reason.


Basically what I want is something that permanently sets Eye Adapt Speed and Eye Adapt Strength to 0, so as to finally remove the annoying feature. If there's some other way to do this (like, some file setting I could change), all the better, so as to not bother anyone with needless modding work :P

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