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Dwelmer Airship


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love to see the oblivian dwelmer airship make a return being a mobile house/base and be faster transport than horse and if dragon attacks have to exit the wheel house to fight it on the deck maybe even have it have a set of hp if to damaged it crashes like the dragons as well but corse after while repairs itself. corse a set of quests needed to obtain it http://media.photobucket.com/image/dwemer+airship+/kaotik_1ne/oblivion/dwemer-airship.jpg Edited by jartharian
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love to see the oblivian dwelmer airship make a return being a mobile house/base and be faster transport than horse and if dragon attacks have to exit the wheel house to fight it on the deck maybe even have it have a set of hp if to damaged it crashes like the dragons as well but corse after while repairs itself. corse a set of quests needed to obtain it http://media.photobu...mer-airship.jpg


I would rather turn my character into a mole than make him take even a step on that broken down airship...

In Skyrim the winds are harsher and more unpredictable, to top that, it looks like dragons can simply fly through that ship... good luck fighting a dragon when you are falling... might aswell add a parachute...

Sorry for the sarcasm, that thing needs a serious overhaul if it becomes a mod... better armor, aerodynamic design, a propulsion system and possibly working magic cannons...

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