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Daggerfall Style Conversion?


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I'm attempting to completely revamp Oblivion. I did a clean install last night, and for most of the day (luckily it's Saturday at the moment), I've been combining new mods with one cohesive purpose: make the gameplay real. I combined open cities with the Daggerfall-esque climb-anything mod (every Oblivion player should try that combo at least once). I, of course, got rid of the game borders and I'm working on expanding the active wilderness to make the game much larger in scale. I got the realswords packs, HGEC female bodies and Robert's male bodies, and of course OBSE. Deadly Clutter objects is also a favorite for realism. The "Really textured normal maps for vanilla" retex is perfect so far; minimal fps drop but it looks a ton better than vanilla. As a bonus, it makes walls and such look rougher and like they have more handholds so I don't look as silly scaling stone walls.


I have to pose a couple questions though, now that you know my purpose.


1.) I'd like to make Oblivion as big as Morrowind, at least (I don't care about quests, those are pretty weak in any game compared to just exploring, I'm talking about sheer land area). Do you know any good, large island landmass mods for Oblivion? Unfortunately, Daggerfall size is impossible without some serious randomization. They should probably be islands, since I haven't had good experiences with mods like The Desert of Anequina. They seem to be really out of place, with desert on one side of a hill, and grass and trees on the other.


2.) What other features did Daggerfall and any other Elder Scrolls games before it have, that Oblivion doesn't have? I'd try to add those as well. Thx.

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For a response to number one, if you have the patience for it, I'd say do it all yourself. Not to say that nobody will help you, or know of any mods that would help you (I personally don't know of any). And on the plus side, you'd have the satisfaction of knowing that you made something yourself. Learn the heightmap editor (which, by the way, is a pain. In. The. Arse. But it is a powerful tool.


But that's just me.


Too bad I can't help with number two, as I've never played Daggerfall.


Best of luck to you,



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[2.) What other features did Daggerfall and any other Elder Scrolls games before it have, that Oblivion doesn't have? I'd try to add those as well. Thx.


Try the Oblivifall “Revenge of the Classic" mods by Cliffworms. I especially like Ambient Sound FX, Losing My Religion and Something Is Not Right. There are a couple more which I haven't tried.

Edited by macole
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