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Combat tweaks?


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Hello all. I'll describe situation happened many times, probably not just with me. My sniper is on a high ground, he see target himself, not from squad sight, he has no debufs and target is out of cover. Hit chance is 90% plus (92 or higher) and sniper misses. Alright, I thought, and reloaded save. And he miss again. Again reload and again miss. 10 loads - 10 misses. It would be alright for me if it would be like 2 or 3 misses (though with that high hit chance it is stupid), it MAY happen, miss I mean. But not every time you reload game, no? Is there any mod that can change such situation? Dont asking for high chances to hit, just to fix this cursed misses.

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AFAIK, that's the way XCOM (and XCOM2) work, you'll get exactly the same result no matter how many times you reload. An intentional change to prevent save scumming. You can try and perform different actions in a different order so another dice roll is used by your sniper.


There my be a mod on the Workshop which changes this, IDK.

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