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Import an Old Character into a NEW game of oblivion


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Without cheating in the console, I would love to see a Mod that allowed the user to import their old character into a new oblivion game starting from the beginning. Of course, One would have to leave their weapons, gear and accomplishments behind in the old character. Essentially, Just be able to re-complete the various quests and storyline using a character that has already leveled to say 15 or 20. I mean, who says that you were imprisioned at level one anyway? Granted, this would negate the process of choosing your race, birthsign, class, etc. at the beginning of the game, but If you are already happy with the way your character has been playing, why change it anyway?


If, however, There is a way in the console to just update the stats of a new character right away to match the stats of your old char. could someone tell me how, or point me in the direction of the answer?

Many Thanks


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If you just want to have your old character because you put a lot of work into how it looks, then you could just use the Face Exchange. If you just want to start the game with higher stats, you can use the console to give yourself a boost. You say you do not want to cheat with the console, but then you say you would be willing to use the console if there is no mod. You conflict worse than Ren and Soya, but I can help you in either case:

Yes, your old character can be in a new game (with new stats).

Yes, the console can be used to raise the stats to their former glory.

No, I will not give you the codes to do it.

There, everything you asked for, conflicts included. If you change your mind about cheating just say so and I'll give you the codes.


EDIT: Here is the link to Oblivion Face Exchange Lite http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7808

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Thanks, And I have the console commands, I have done this in the past, but getting your skills up to the right level is a pain, because for every jump in skill level past ten one must level, etc, its a bit of pain. Anyway, What I would REALLY like to be able to keep is map locations as well (forgot to mention that one, without coc ing to each location. Basically, the mod would alleviate the pains of recreating a char from the top and turn it into a simple, quick process.


When I asked for the means how, I was referring to a third-party program that allowed editing a save file or character data, but thanks for your help anyway wm.

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...getting your skills up to the right level is a pain, because for every jump in skill level past ten one must level, etc, its a bit of pain...


I think you might be using the wrong console code. There is a code that allows you to set the skill/stat to exactly what you want without going up one level at a time and having to rest in between.


player.setlevel number (example: player.setlevel 15 ) will give you the level of your old charater.


player.setav statname number (example: player.setav handtohand 60) will set the stat to the level you want without having to stop and take a nap.


That way it should not be so much of a hassle to restore you character. As far as the map markers, there is a command for that too, but I believe it only reveals the locations, you still have to have been there to be able to fast travel.

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  • 6 months later...



i have a similar question. im a maximalist and i try to build a perfect character: max health, max training sessions, max level. i try not to involve myself into the game (quests, npcs etc) but there are a few things that are unavoidable: a few master trainer quests solved, merchant/npc disposition etc...

so when and if i can finish my character id like to start a clean game with it if possible with all its gear and qualities.

maybe theres a prog that can export/import these data or theres a simple method that im not aware of to edit savegames?

id rather avoid recreating my char using console, id feel like cheating and all that my work and patience were in vain.


thanks in advance,


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  • 2 years later...


Yes, your old character can be in a new game (with new stats).



You're saying that i can import my old Character ( Level 34, Shitload of Spells ( not all i definently don't want them all) Skills and well basically a normal mage which is kinda overpowered but thats what i like )

Into a new game? If so please oh please tell me how , I would be forever greatfull, i want to restart a lot of quests but pretend that i'm a allmighty wizard but need to hide my identity ( w.e :P )


P.S: I know i can technically do it with console commands i mean : set.playerspell or set player stat or w.e. , But adding like 100 spells and editing everything perfectly would take ages + i have a lot of magic mods like Fearsome Magicka , Telvanni Codex , DLCSpellTomes ,Geomancy , Midas Spells etc. and adding those ( and also getting the right id's ) would be impossible ( close :P )


Sorry for bumping this but i really need this


P.S2: If you understand what i mean i've spent 103 hours on the character so its not my intent to plain cheat everything in ( hate doing that ) And notice this its 103 hours and i'm only level 34 and halfway to god like powers but this needed lots of hard work and also included my fetish of role playing most of the scenes and walking ALL The time and also visiting every city on foot while my early hours as an adventure

Now i want a new Story a New Beginning for a Mighty Wizard with a Dark Past and a Bright Future leading him to many wonders and eventually saving all of Tamriel ( Aside the fact Owning all the Guilds (Also some Mod Ones)) and in general Awesomness :))

Edited by Shuraalex
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