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Changing furniture through console.


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That's my question, is it possible? we know that the game itself adds and removes furniture from houses when you purchase the furniture but, can I do it myself? cuz I'm getting very terrified with those moving mannequins on Riften. So the best option for me is to replace them with chests.
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How WireFrame looks ingame:



Commands that will help you edit objects in the game:


help (I use this to help find id of the objects I am searching for, for example 'help bed 4' will give me a list of everything related to beds)

markfordelete (Delete the object)

TWF (Make the world as wire frame, I like to use this to see if I have accidentally placed objects under the floor or behind the walls)

placeatme (You can use this command to place objects at a selected location, such as floor, walls, etc or you can use yourself as a marker using the player.placeatme)

rotate (X,Y,Z) use this command to rotate the selected object whichever way you want.


You are not limited to edit your house, you can do this anywhere in the world... I am just doing it like this until the kit comes out :)


Note to the OP:


I don't mean to say that this way of editing is wrong, but I find it that using the console is a much easier way for people that don't know anything about modding to edit things in the game, I am sure your way of editing is right too.

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Well, correct me If I'm wrong, I opened the console and wrote this:


Help Mannequin 4

-----OTHER FROMS-----

MESG: 000d056b "Mannequin"

MESG: 000d7511 "Mannequin"

ACTI: 000D750D "Mannequin"


I believe the mannequins id's are the first 2 ones, I'm still figuring out how to remove them.


Edit: If i succed using the Mark for delete command, the item is going to be removed instantly, or it will happen after some game time?

Edited by Alf302
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Only objects that you place will be deleted "instantly" with the markfordelete command, the objects like the mannequin will have have a [D] besides their obj number.


Once you are in the console, click on the mannequin then type markfordelete. Now you need to exit your home, then come back and it should be gone.

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Well I managed to delete the manequin bodies, but I can't manage to delete the pad, I may have managed to order the game delete the floor by mistake, but there is no effect on that.


Mannequin IDs



Posible pad IDs





Tell me, is the floor counted as an object? can it be deleted? if it, I'm in big trouble, if it's not, them I'll just delete everthing I can find until I got the job done.


Also: I found the post you made about this topic, I may not need to bother you about placing chest, only the manequin removal.


Edited by Alf302
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Yes, everything in the world is considered as an object, so if you click on the floor and then type markfordelete, the floor will be deleted. So you need to be careful with the command.


try going in WireFrame mode and see if you can select the table under the floor, then delete it.

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