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Can you change a FACE texture using armor piece or spell


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Hi moders,


I'm trying to build a mod that changes the skin texture when using an armor piece.

My objective is that when you wear an armor piece, a ring (by exemple), your body, feet, hands and face change from the normal texture to another one that includes Diffuse, normal, subsurface and specular maps.

I want to keep my head shape, hair, eyes and mouth as is, i just want to swap the skin texture.

Also I want to keep my body shape (I don't want to touch the meshes.nif files)


I made the texture sets, armor addons and armor in CK and assigned these to the ring (maybe to a spell in the future).

(When I try making an ArmorAddon for the head I get some warnings FemaleHead.nif : FemaleHead is missing a facegen tint map (and detail map))



So far, when equiped, my "ring" changes the body, hands and feet textures as expected.

But with my various attempts i did not managed to change the face texture, either my face stay the same, or I become headless or I get a default head with no hair, mouth or eyes


Any advice is much appreciated.



Also: I'm using Tanya (HeroeDeLeyenda) face preset with RaceMenu, maybe my problem comes from that, but I tried loading my mod at the beginning or the end of my mod list, no changes. I also tried to revert to vanilla presets but somehow it looks like there is always something left from the custom preset. Any advice on how to revert to pure vanilla faces could help

Edited by tomparis1999
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