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Quest Help


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sup guys.. i need some major help. Im trying to do the The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, quest following training of the greybeards. im lvl 14 and having a hard time killing the necromancer in the instance. Im able to kill the minions that hang around and get resurrected by the necro. but when it comes down to fighting the necro.. i get owned fast. seems the necro is both ice and fire mage. Im all in heavy dwarven armor and sword and board. I try to use potions to lessen fire and ice dmg on myself .. and i try to debuff the necro with poison arrows. but i still get owned by 1 or 2 huge spells really quick. So im pretty much stuck at this point


any tips or suggestions in ways to fight the necro would help a lot.. thx guys

Edited by alphaskull
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