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Data Folders are BSA???


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or does it go in the folder called "sourcemods"?


In program files, I only have a steam folder that contains skyrim. Where am I writing the new directory? what should it's filepath be? I have MW and OB installed in beth's folder, but not Skyrim.

It shouldn't matter where skyrim is installed, you should put mods inside the "data" foulder located inside your "skyrim" one. The file path depends on the texture/mesh/sound/etc you are replacing. Usually when you download somebody else's mod they will already have created all the necessary subfoulders and you'll find inside their archive either a data foulder (which you should simply merge with yours) or a texture/mesh/whatever foulder which you should put inside your data one (sorry, I'm phrasing it quite badly). When making your own mods you should check the bsa files for the correct file location. Hope this makes sense.

Edited by STSG
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or does it go in the folder called "sourcemods"?


In program files, I only have a steam folder that contains skyrim. Where am I writing the new directory? what should it's filepath be? I have MW and OB installed in beth's folder, but not Skyrim.

It shouldn't matter where skyrim is installed, you should put mods inside the "data" foulder located inside your "skyrim" one. The file path depends on the texture/mesh/sound/etc you are replacing. Usually when you download somebody else's mod they will already have created all the necessary subfoulders and you'll find inside their archive either a data foulder (which you should simply merge with yours) or a texture/mesh/whatever foulder which you should put inside your data one (sorry, I'm phrasing it quite badly). When making your own mods you should check the bsa files for the correct file location. Hope this makes sense.

I'm sorry. I feel like this is exactly what I did. It's no different than Oblivion or Morrowind mods, right?

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Could it be that the archieve you are extracting contains a data foulder and winzip is putting it inside the skyrim data foulder instead of uniting the 2 foulders? (i.e. your mesh/texture ends up in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Skyrim\Data\Data\Texture\... instead of c:\program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Skyrim\Data\Texture\.. - or C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Skyrim\Data\Data\Meshes\... instead of C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Skyrim\Data\Meshes\...) Edited by STSG
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