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Fortify enchanting potions not visible after I make them..?


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Title says it all :-(


On my 2nd run-thru the game


1. I have some necessary ingredients to make fortify enchantment potions

2. I make 'em--actually I make three

3...and yet there are NO fortify enchantment potions visible to see to use After I created them


It sounds like I'm imagining it...but I'm not

Sounds like I'm missing them as I scroll thru all my innumerable potions...I am not

I remember (3 months ago) a similar phenomena my 1st go-around the game...which somewhere I read happened if you cheated and used a console code to create too many ingredients to make said potions...they said it would self-resolve...and back then it did


This time Its been going on for 3 days now...I'm waaaaay past having 'safe saves' before this glitch happened...whenever it actually DID happen?


Surely there must be a solution?


I've tried everything I can think of (except disabling mods...which I've been told never to do as it causes even more problems)

I've gone back-n-forth from solthstein to Skyrim...I've gone from one alchemy & enchanting table to another...restarted a zillion times....yet still every time I make fortify enchantment potions...they don't appear in my list of potions to use afterwards


Its frustratingly game-braking as I will never be able to proceed thru the improvement tree of alchemy-enchanting -smithing, and back again unless I can use there potions for improving


Any help?


I thank you folks




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Actually I solved this

And learned something I didn't know my entire 1st plaything- and this 2nd play they- up till now


When I made a fortify enchantment potion I knew all 6 ingredients possible to make

I also knew that 3 ingredients make a potion

But what I did NOT realize is that after I clicked on the 1st 2 ingredients I should have allowed the game to choose the 3rd !optionsl' ingredient- and it worked


I did not see that whenever I clicked a 3rd ingredient- even though all 3 were 'correct'- they all made enchanting potions-

... That when I manually clicked on ANY 3rd ingredient skyrim changed the potion I wanted to make- in this case fortify enchanting- to a completely different potion- in this case damage magician regen

I suppose due to overlapping ingredients


Either I'm stupid or skyrim is completely non- intuitive in this respect


It was driving me nuts but at least I solved it



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