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Desert MOD - Need HELP finding these textures! [Pics]


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Following what you said, I've made some progress I think. But it's all "Vertex coloured". The model consists of several flat planes with a scrolling texture on it. To change the colour I have to change the colour of every single vertex in the middle of the model.


All vertices at the edges of the model is black. All vertices at the center of the model is white. A few in between is a lighter gray. I guess it might have to do with the models translucency ingame? And it's colour too? I can't select a few vertices at a time, so I'm not sure if it's worth the time changing colour of it this way one by one. There's actually quite a lot of vertices.


Tell me what file you're editing and I'll take a look. There number of seperate vertices may look higher than there is in reality. This is because to create the illusion of particles being blown away by the wind Bethesda creates a few texture strips with random translucancy (using the alpha channel in the texture files). Each of these strips may contain multiple vertices and animate seperately from the other strips (as to appear random). So in Nifskope it appears as if you have a million vertices to select while in reality you'll only have to select a few strips. To see this look in the left NIF tree to see how many seperate parts it contains, half or more of them are probably animations and only those with texture paths need to be edited.

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Following what you said, I've made some progress I think. But it's all "Vertex coloured". The model consists of several flat planes with a scrolling texture on it. To change the colour I have to change the colour of every single vertex in the middle of the model.


All vertices at the edges of the model is black. All vertices at the center of the model is white. A few in between is a lighter gray. I guess it might have to do with the models translucency ingame? And it's colour too? I can't select a few vertices at a time, so I'm not sure if it's worth the time changing colour of it this way one by one. There's actually quite a lot of vertices.


Tell me what file you're editing and I'll take a look. There number of seperate vertices may look higher than there is in reality. This is because to create the illusion of particles being blown away by the wind Bethesda creates a few texture strips with random translucancy (using the alpha channel in the texture files). Each of these strips may contain multiple vertices and animate seperately from the other strips (as to appear random). So in Nifskope it appears as if you have a million vertices to select while in reality you'll only have to select a few strips. To see this look in the left NIF tree to see how many seperate parts it contains, half or more of them are probably animations and only those with texture paths need to be edited.


Yeah. They're just a few strips with a alpha-mapped texture on it, I know. But there's a few of them and still quite many vertices for being just that, I thought. I can't find a colour palette for these models. Just "Vertex colour" to change for each vertex.


These are some of the files I'd need to change I believe to recolour the snow powder:






Then I found these that might not be as relevant. Might just ignore these at the moment:








I'm not sure tho. To make this mod atleast ready to upload I have to change all models that looks like snow powder blowing along the ground. I have to change the colour of the snow particles falling from the sky - Tried changing it's texture and colour, it was still snowing white. And I need to find the snow-shader applying white snow on most object surfaces. 3 things total so far.




I atleast found now that the texture they use truly is "textures\effects\FXGroundWhisps.dds". It's one I've tried to recolour before. To no luck, though.

Edited by AlexVestin
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