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Will these mods work?


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Hey, I have a list of mods that I want but I'm not sure if they will work together. I am on a clean install of Skyrim and my specs are 16gb DDR4, i5-6600k and ASUS GTX 970. I know those specs will probably work with every mod, but just in case. I have modded Skyrim before, but not to this scale and just need some help. Here they are:


RealVision ENB

Optimized Vanilla Textures

Ruins Clutter Improved

Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD

HD Enhanced Tertrain

The Skyrim Distance Overhaul LOD Improvement

SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul

Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins

Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area

aMidianBorn Caves and Mines

Immersive Roads

Skyrim Flora Overhaul


Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees

4K Parallax Treebark

Immersive Fallen Trees Mod

Fences of Skyrim - No more flickering fences

Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin

Natural Grass Texture Floor

High Definition Ivy - 2K

Replacement Ivy


Realistic Water Two

Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two

Transparent wave spray Retexture for realistic water 2

AOF Detailed Mountains

Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks

Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised

Dust Effects

Realistic Smoke and Embers

Skyrim 2015 Parallax Terrain SPT

tamu75 Terrain Parallax Textures

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel

Supreme Storms for Climates of Tamriel

Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch

True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone

Lightning during Thunder Storms

Lightning during Thunder Storms - Climates of Tamriel - Patch

Realistic Lighting Overhaul


I know mods are compatible because they are recommended with RealVision ENB, but just in case. These are my main priority for graphics mods.


Other Mods


A Hunters Life - Hunting Overhaul

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors

Ashland Camp New Zainab

Battle Hardened Warpaints


Better Fast Travel

Better Males

Better Stealing

Body Designs - Tattoos For All


Brows - High Resolution

Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition

Camp Argentum

Camp Varglya

Campfire - Complete Camping System

Cloaks of Skyrim

Dual Sheath Redux

Epic Gameplay Overhaul

Expanded Snow Systems


Farmers Sell Produce


Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival

Go to Bed

Gold is now Septim

Golden Vendors

Guard Dialogue Overhual

Guess the Distance - Perspective Scouting



I'm a Customer Dammit

Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks

Immersive Animations

Immersive Armors

Immersive College of Winterhold

Immersive Detection of NPCs

Immersive Horses

Immersive HUD
Immersive Music by Hothtrooper44

Immersive Patrols

Immersive Player Dialogue

Immersive Stables

Immersive Weapons

Improved Adoptions

Improved Closefaced Helmets

Inconsequential NPCs

KJ Tattoos

KS Hairdos


Lanterns of Skyrim

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons

Longer Jailtime


Mine Foremen Sell Ore

No more Radial Blur

NPCs Use Ammo - All Bows

OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim

Opening Scene Overhaul

PC Head Tracking and Voice Type

Point the Way

Primal Fear

Pumping Iron


Real Bows

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Run for your Lives

ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer

Simple Follower Mount

Simply Knock

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera

Skyrim -Comunity- Uncapped

Skyrim Sizes

Skyurim Sleeping Bags


T3nd0s Skyrim Redone

The Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman

The Eyes of Beauty

The Huntsman Bow

The Paarthurnax Dilemma

Touring Carriages

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

(I know there is Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, but some of my mods only work with the individual ones and I'm fine with that, unless I can make a patch for them to work with the Legendary edition patch, but I'm not good in that area)

Useful Dogs

Wet and Cold

Wet and Cold Ashes

Winter is Coming Cloaks

XP32 Maximum Skeleton

Your Market Stall


I would love all these mods to be able to work together, but if they can't, I am fine with those graphical mods (the ones with RealVision ENB) Frostfall, Hunterborn, The Huntsman, Skyrim Redone and the unofficial patches. Also, if you are just going to comment in the comment section, "Figure it out yourself", don't. What is the point in wasting your time saying that if you aren't going to help me anyways. And if you do help, thanks in advance. I know its a lot of mods, but I want Skyrim to be perfect. Thanks.





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you can change them to work with legendary edition, there's even something on the usleep posts that will tell you how. you do not want to use the individual patches anymore if you can avoid it because there are a lot more fixes in the legendary edition.


as to the mods themselves... your specs don't matter. at all. that 16 gigs of ram? skyrim won't be able to use more than four of it, then it will crash. the graphics card will help some, as will the processor, but if you heavily mod out the textures, you won't be able to use anything that's script heavy at all. you'll run out of ram. that's just a functional problem with skyrim being based in a 32bit system, instead of 64 bit. it severely limits how much of your systems resources it is even capable of accessing. so, my recommendation to you would be if you actually want the gameplay stuff, to limit the resolution size of your textures. especially for things like grass or eyebrows. you don't need anything very high res for things that are that small. you literally will not be able to tell a difference with them while you're playing unless you get your nose right up in it, and stare at it.


epic gameplay overhaul in particular will make your computer cry with that many textures. this is just my personal experience, and based on everything i've read getting my own setup to work, but there's a choice you have to make with modding skyrim. you can make it look gorgeous but be nearly completely vanilla gameplaywise, or you can change the gameplay and can't have the textures. even if you get it to work for a time, about thirty or forty hours in you'll be looking at a save file that's way too big to function. and it won't even be because of bloat, it'll be because of everything that the save file is storing because of all of the mods and textures being so big.


when the new update for skyrim drops in october? i suspect there's going to be more than a few limits that change, since it'll be a 64bit program.

Edited by Madzookeeper
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I don't think Hunter's life and Hunterborn will work together because they affect the same things.


Epic Gameplay Overhaul sounds like somekind of overhaul game (no sheet), so I would think it'd interfere with other overhauls, like the music and SkyRe ones.


Speaking of SkyRe, to get it to work with Immersive Weapons and Immersive Armours (and any kind of modded armour or weapon, really), you're gonna have to SkyProc patch it. It's not complicated, but is best done right at the end. There is an easy to follow video on YT.


Other than that, I've got the same issue with the patches. Some mods support the individual ones, and some only support the Legendary one. I am having to go without some mods like Bring Out Your Dead (which is needed for the Mine Foremen Sell Ore, BTW).


What I would suggest is to just try to add a mod by NMM. If NMM says a mod is overwriting a file from another mod, chances are they won't work together, so then you can decide which one you want more.

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actually, epic gameplay overhaul is really compatible with almost everything because of the way that apollodown did it. he actually recommends other overhauls to be used with it, so that shouldn't be a huge issue.


as to the ENB, i don't really mess with those. i know they can destroy frame rates, but it's possible it'll be fine for you as long as you get everything setup correctly.

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