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Workbench and Grindstone Disabled


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After installing a few mods that improve smithing, I noticed that my workbench and grindstone weren't functioning anymore. I tried disabling the ESPs and even deleting the files altogether, but nothing has made them work again. I disabled all ESMs and ESPs except for the Skyrim/update one and even then it wasn't working. I even tried loading back to a save from before I installed any other ESPs, but still didn't have any luck.


Does anyone have any idea what happened? I haven't tried uninstalling and reinstalling yet.



Here's what my menus look like for my workbench and grindstone...





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I also have this issue now,it was fine with some mods but after i decided to add vals crafting and meltdown mod i get this problem.


I thought it was an incompatibility thing but disabling it didn't fix it as you said.


So even in vanilla skyrim i cant upgrade weapons or armor.



EDIT: a reinstall fixed this problem, i just hope it doesn't happen again when i get those smithing mods.

Edited by alonzo909
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