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"Enderal launcher" can't find TESV.exe


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hey evry1, so i've come across this issue 2x so far so i'll get to it and not waste any more or ur time here


it all started yesterday when i updated the game to v1.1.0.3 when it first started, i moved the enderal launcher file to desktop then bak to the directory and returns the same "can't find TESV.exe" bs and even ran it normally without the admin thng and that don't wrk


so, i went to enderal.com to dl the launcher file again, placed it in the directory and replaced the old launcher wher it proceeded to wrk PERFECTLY without a hitch.


fast-forward to now, wher i now have v1.1.0.4 and doing the same thng, i repeated all steps mentioned above to no avail and seem to b stuck at a wall, with no way to fix it and no solutionz on the horizon to assist me :(


log file's last entry is the update the launcher went thru and doesn't return/record anythng in regards to the failure to detect TESV.exe after running the launcher.


running the game via TESV.exe gives a windowed mode view with 15% of the bottom and the right side cut off and using the skse_loader.exe runs it as if nothing's wrong...but with no sound XD. i confirmed speakers r wrking properly too


i come to u all as a last hope to throw at me any ideas u gys may have, no matter the difficulty of those solutions. As long as i got crystal clear instructions as to wher to find wat, i'll do evrythng by the letter and post resultz as they r; with s/s's if need be.


i thank u all in advance for ur time and sry bout this ugly wall o txt


if it hlps, my machine is as follows:


16GB ram

AMD FX-8350 8core 4.0GHz

AMD radeon r9 270x

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possibly try changing your installation in the launcher, and then changing it back. it might rejigger it so that it'll find the exe.

the launcher doesn't even open the menu for me to change anythng, just gives me the error msg and then does nothing


if u got instructions for an alt way to change it without the launcher menu, i'll try it

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no, i don't. sorry. you might check in the enderal forums, since this might be a specific problem to them. they might have run into it before.



thx dude, got a fix and evrythng is wrking again


to evry1 who run across this issue, just change the main game folder from "somethng somethng watevr edition" to "skyrim"


run enderal launcher as admin as originally recommended and it should wrk no problem


thx again mad

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