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Crash at launch


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Ok i figured out, have to select the in folder, not to extract somewhere else then c/c files


PS: In fact not xD still 0 files added from BAT

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Hm, i've no other files accepted buy BSA Browser, i already took all the .bsa from my skyrim/data


I can't find any .nif files by the way :tongue: i mean, i find them in my Explorer, but BSA Browser dont want them

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  • BSA browser can only open bsa files.
  • Copy / paste your nif files in the IN folder.
  • Extract your bsa in the IN folder.
  • Use the run.bat and wait till it hangs saying error out of array"myassinthefridge", if it occurs press enter to continue.
  • Once the process is completely done, it says "complete".
  • Then you have to delete the _new in each transformed nif in your OUT folder and paste thses corrected nif to overwrite those that are wrong.

Use my list on the mod page to scan only the files that are needed to + the one corresponding to your own mods.


Good hunting.

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Yeah thats what i did


Nothing appears in Out folders, NIF cmd windows shows nothing special, every file tested says [iNFO] (main): PROCESS COMPLETE (nothing changed).



Except the final lines, means there a problem with skeleton ?



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Good, then when the bat has totaly finished to work and nothing in your OUT folder, that means everything is ok. At least if as I said you followed my scan list on the mod page, you should have some corrected files. If not, ya kek' chose qui m'echappe.

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Ah, finally something appeared :p


I dunno why but the 2 first scans didnt pop anything in Out folder, the 3rd time few files came out !


I'll try thoses

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