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Crash at launch


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<No need to delete the old .nif ? the xxxx_new.nif is enought to replace ?> You have to delete the _new in each corrected nif (rename) in your OUT folder and paste theses corrected nif to overwrite those that are wrong.


No matter if the original files are in a bsa file or directly in the meshes/data/armor/etc... you must place each nif file in the precise folder, where it's supposed to be if extracted. If prompted to overwrite, say yes. That way, corrected nif such as example_new.nif must be renamed to example.nif and placed in the appropriate meshes/data/etc.. folder.


Then your problem may also not be the same as this incorrect string CTD, there may be other types of corrupted files for a reason or another...


You may also try a selective loading. If these meshes are boubd tp a plugin, (esp / esm) : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase /decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.

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<Still this crash, when getting near winterhold>

  • Have you tried the CTDs troubleshooting guides in my first post?
  • If you're using college of winterhold immersive and other mods such as Jk's winterhold rebuild, + other environments mods that add some events, NPCs, creatures spawning, it makes many changes to the same place. Suggest you install crash fixes with the allocator enabled and may be also ENBOOST. See my first post and follow the guides.
  • LOOT is supposed to tell you if in your load order you have UDR, see my first post about cleaning masters and mods.
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