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Looking for feedback re: mod idea.


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After installing Bring Your Silver to my load order and then realizing I needed silver weapons to take on even Bleak Falls Barrow, I noticed that I could not find any, nor could I find much ore or ingots (I have mods installed that limit their abundance via merchants). I spent 10 minutes researching via various wikis where silver ore could be mined in the game--so problem solved. But it seemed to me that such a task--acquiring information about ore vein locations--should be able to be accomplished in-game. So for personal use I created a custom map with some markings denoting these areas and placed these at locations that totally make sense. These maps are objects that act similarly to Equippable Maps.


I'm curious if anyone else has other ideas for adding resources (maps, notes, new dialogue) to the game in a way that ties content, mechanics, quests together in a more immersive in-game fashion.


I'll provide more examples if this is unclear.



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