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Changing clothes after marriage possible?


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i just got married with Sylgja but i have one little problem: Why the hell does she keep wearing these totally ugly clothes?!

I´m rich! I can afford to buy her decent clothing, but there isn´t even an option to change things like it is possible to do with companions! Oo

Why not? Can´t be i run around in highend armor and my poor wife looks like a beggar -.-


Any way to change this?

Will consolecommands (additem) actually let them wear different stuff or just give it to them (since they are "vendors")?

A decent patch or mod would be even better, but meanwhile even console commands would be fine for me.






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I tried using removeallitems as someone suggested, then reverse-pickpocket in a better clothes, but it didn't work, Upon reset (leaving and returning) he's back in his old clothes again. So I wonder if this is possible either. Edited by BGatot
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