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maybe a bit of a huge request but


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in the end they only finished stirk


but i noticed someone has made elsweyr

so... thats one down, a-bunch to go, but... in time?


it would be spectacularily awesome to revisit vvardenfell through the oblivion engine :I


i cant believe i cannot find any similar request anywhere. is there any reason for that? apart from the request being quite... huge?

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i cant believe i cannot find any similar request anywhere. is there any reason for that? apart from the request being quite... huge?

The shear amount of work required is what is keeping this from happening. For legal reasons, meshes/textures from Morrowind couldn't be used, so everything would have to be made from scratch. Everything: armor, weapons, flora, fauna, architecture, dungeon tilesets, etc. This would take a long time even with a big team. And keeping such a team together for the duration of the project would be extremely difficult. Plus, modders with the skills necessary to pull it off would get constantly caught up in their own projects, anyway. As spectacular as something like this would surely be, I just don't see it happening. I wish it would, though.

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i cant believe i cannot find any similar request anywhere. is there any reason for that? apart from the request being quite... huge?

The shear amount of work required is what is keeping this from happening. For legal reasons, meshes/textures from Morrowind couldn't be used, so everything would have to be made from scratch. Everything: armor, weapons, flora, fauna, architecture, dungeon tilesets, etc. This would take a long time even with a big team. And keeping such a team together for the duration of the project would be extremely difficult. Plus, modders with the skills necessary to pull it off would get constantly caught up in their own projects, anyway. As spectacular as something like this would surely be, I just don't see it happening. I wish it would, though.


i realize its a huge ammount of work


but ambition, people! ambition! :D


_every_ dungeon would not necesarily have to be recreated, as the continent would have to be re-scaled to fit the oblivion game map.

(in fact, near everything specifically quest-related i would personally ommit, such as the daedric dungeons (given that daedric quests are allready covered by oblivion, and are also missing from elsweyr)


it just feels... like... agh... almost a "provocation" to be able to venture into elsweyr, but no further. its like a door opens to enormous possibility, then wham, slams shut again.


modders are still creating morrowind, i guess... i can hope :D *sigh*

Edited by zegh8578
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Have you taken a look at Sheogorad Update lately? It does a lot of work in northern Morrowind, and does a better job than some of the competing projects that are legal. (The one that is not legal being M---------n.)


Valenwood Improved has done a lot of work in Valenwood and is better than some competing projects.


You might tale a look at some of the projects that work on places like Skyrim and Hammerfell.


But I think your pleas for "ambition" will fall on deaf ears and be perceived as insulting to the modders that you are courting. Skyrim has been released, and that is what most gamers and modders will be focusing on from now on. You would have much better luck trying to convince modders to work on other provinces for Skyrim than you would for Oblivion.


But if you were a truly ambitious person who wanted to see the project succeed, you would learn to be a highly skilled modder yourself and become the team leader for the project. You would spend months or years working on it and be sure that your quality work was uploaded and made available to a grateful gaming community.

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