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FO4 - Unable to run bat files


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I have the bat.txt files stored in Fallout4.exe directory.


I do have the below string in my Fallout4Custom.INI file in "Documents\My Games\Fallout4" folder.


sStartingConsoleCommand=bat autoexec


I use this autoexec.txt to run CL OFF, it works for that. However I don't want to auto the bats I have every time I start a new game.



I've ran in consle the command: bat army & bat army.txt. I don't know what else to do anymore. I removed the string line from the *.ini file and still cannot run bat files, I get an error every time I run a bat that states:

Batch file could not be found/opened.


No idea why I cannot run bat files.

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Batch (.txt) files go in the \DATA directory ... The autoexec.txt is a Startup file only (like a command line argument)


Batch file could not be found/opened.



That's what I was thought as well, but the Internet says its where the exe is, which I've ran them from there before. Crazy issue I'm having. And the only reason I'm in this mess is I had to reinstall FO4 (completely wiped it) and now I cannot get any bats to execute.


Lets take this mod as an example:



I use it and it did run before the clean up.



Nevermind, I'm a stoned idiot. I renamed the bat files (as an example) "bat batarmor.txt", (this is so I can keep track of them). So in game I was typing bat batarmor. No wonder why these were not working. I just needed to remove the first bat in the file names.

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  • 9 months later...

Just a helpful note - if you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions you may be effectively creating "[batch].txt.txt" -- like I did.


Best way to check if you're having trouble is unhide file extensions and make sure the file just has one extension.


Honestly I'm sharing this because I had this symptom verbatim, and I killed the better part of two hours trying to figure out what I did wrong, whether Nexusmod was an issue, whether I was using the right folder (yep it's actually the one where the .exe file sits) and completely overlooked the hidden file extension.


Now I know this is a rookie oversight, but in my defense I'm still getting used to Windows 10 and this new desktop. That's my line and I'm sticking to it.


I want to spare anyone else an evening of listening to their wife's teasing for something so "basic".

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