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I am not a very active user on this site but i?ve followed it since I first got Skyrim for pc. Anyways, long story short I waited some years to get a beast computer to be able to play Skyrim with my wanted mods, cause I'm that type of guy who likes to tweak everything to my taste, and now I've finally got it ! But it turns out there's gonna be a remastered edition coming on October ( super happy) but here's the thing, I wanted to start building my mod list and patch everything nice and tight( it takes me some 2 to 3 days) and start my ultimate playthrough but I was thinking of waiting for the remastered to come out and start from there. What do you guys think?

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I would play this now and get a feel for the game.

I am not sure on exactly how the game will change.

The only thing I am sure of is most of the mods will not be updated to the 64 bit version. I am expecting to lose 1/2 to 3/4 of my current mods, unless it is easy to convert them to the new edition.

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If I go by FO4, SKSE will only take days to come out. Other mods the same.

Also Like FO4, which I stop playing for now, is how buggey it will be, how many patches ect.

Do they plan on doing anything more, or is it just going to be an update to 64 bit?

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Thanks for the help. I was thinking of that too, that SKSE and exporting mods will take a long time.


If I go by FO4, SKSE will only take days to come out. Other mods the same.

Also Like FO4, which I stop playing for now, is how buggey it will be, how many patches ect.

Do they plan on doing anything more, or is it just going to be an update to 64 bit?

It's just an upgrade to the engine, new graphics, and (limited) console modding support. No new content, sadly.

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I would say, play Enderal for now and see how it goes with Remastered Edition at later date.


Enderal was in the making for over 4 years and it seems it has as much voiced content and quests as vanilla Skyrim (8gb zip file of new assets). It's a totally standalone game (it just uses objects from base skyrim.esm). You are forced to create a new character in new land. Player progression mechanics have been revamped for the purpose of the story.


What works with it: vanilla retexture mods (aMidianBorn Armors, Gamwich Rustic Clothing, etc), RaceMenu, hair mods, FNIS with patch, some new ENBs.

Enderal got it's own section on Nexus -Sure AI- and with time we might see more gameplay related mods for it. Combat mods are not really needed, since the AI was redesigned from what I have observed so far.



First 20min of gameplay (Prologue) and character creation:


PS: It looks different with the ENB I'm using.

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