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Voice mod. E.M.E.T


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Hi people !
Here's my first topic on nexus forum ever. I'm on nexus since 4/5 years now. Apologize for my bad english, i'm french.
And first, i'll like to thanks all modders. You are all doing an awesome job !

I'm not a modder at all, so i don't know if it's possible.

With automatron DLC, we're able to create some robots, as followers or for your home. My request if it's possible, is an voice add when you choose the voice of your robot.
This add is a funny and deadly robot from another game. Evolve !

For people never played this game, Evolve is multiplayer game ( 4v1) where 4 hunters have to hunt a monster.
Who's E.M.E.T ?
E.M.E.T ( Emergency Medical Evacuation Technician) is funny healer robot hunter with a great.. Personnality


This robot got a double personality, a good one as a healer. And Jack ( another hunter) add a demon core inside him, so sometimes he just become crazy as hell.

Here"s my request, having the ability to put this voice in a robot, and this robot go crazy as the demon core inside EMET in fight.
I'm pretty sure all line of discussion can't be used in game cause it's using name or things coming from evolve history.

I let you a small video link, to appreciate EMET discussions with other hunters, or while in hunt.


Thanks for reading this, sorry again for my bad english. And tell me if it's possible and if a modder want to do this !

Edited by Biishope
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