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Performance issue


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Hi there,


I've recently bought a new rig and I'm fairly underwhelmed by the performance I'm getting in a modded skyrim running realvision enb, flora of skyrim etc...


I had hoped for a consistent 60 fps and overall it runs pretty smoothly but in some places (the steps to dragonreach, the windhelm docks etc...) I get drops to as low as 30 fps. I've tried optimizing my enb settings etc as described in the link below (Speed and Stability Guide) but I didn't bother optimizing my textures because I figured I should be able to run those heavy textures just fine.




My specs are:

processor: Intel Core i7-6700 3.4 GHz

cooling: Corsair Hycro H80i GT

motherbord: Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 3

Memory: Crucial 16 GB DDR4-2133

GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1070 8GB running latest Nvidia drivers

SSD: 240 GB SSD Crucial BX200 (this is where Windows 10, Skyrim and its mods are installed)

Harddrive: 2000 GB HDD Sata III

PSU: 750 Watt Corsair

ultrawide monitor 29" (only 1080p) and using flawless widescreen because just editing the .ini files cut off parts of the menu's and screen (zoomed in too far)


Surely I should be able to run a heavily modded skyrim perfectly with these specs? I just think it's very strange I'm getting these fps drops with the occasional stutter. Also I'd like to point out that the fps doesn't seem to improve by turning off the enb. It still gets drops to around 40 fps.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Edited by Merscil
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  • <Surely I should be able to run a heavily modded skyrim perfectly with these specs? I just think it's very strange I'm getting these fps drops with the occasional stutter> Bingo ! First you must know that even if your specs are very good, because you're running a dx9 game with win10, (win8 would be the same) your GPU won't use much than 4GB of VRAM instead of the 8 GB you have. Read here why. If you had installed win7 it would have been different. Thank you Microsoft and Nvidia. So you must mod your game in consequence like if you had a gtx970 4 GB. You have enough power to make great things, but don't forget you don't have illimited credits concerning graphic resource demanding mods, ENB, Flora, 4-2K textures, etc... If you experience issues mentioned in the topic linked above, you'll know what it means.
  • Other solution would be to make a dual boot, (if possible) keeping this win10 installation for other more recent games and installing a seven boot for the older games.
  • Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.

Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done. :

/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

  • Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page. You may use this updated guide to clean your masters. It contains the same automated cleaning procedure as Gopher explains in his video + repeating once for Dawnguard.esm + some selective manual cleaning.
  • The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT should tell you which plugin you should clean. You may also do a check errors.

/// Load order / mods conflicts :

/// Settings / memory :

  • Ensure you're not using redundant memory patches, such as SSME, skse.ini; crash fixes, or safety load. Preferably, use crash fixes with the UseOSAllocators=1 enabled or skse memory patch.
  • Memory blocks log will help to refine memory settings.
  • Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer.
  • STEP INI tweaking wiki.
  • You may install ENBOOST >> ENB graphics / ENB haxx.

/// Save game :

/// Meshes healer :

  • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

/// Useful informations :

Hope this helps.

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