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Well, my friend accidentally activated these three mods at the same time:

1. Zombie Village (makes a village full of zombies)

2. Infection (or something like that, makes you and all other npcs [including essentials] turn into zombies upon death, if infected by a zombie whacking you which almost always happens)

3. OOO (which means when zombies die, they'll get up again)


So now, due to all his mods, every single one of his houses (and all 2000+ npcs in Tamriel) have been penetrated by zombies. He is now holding out in a submarine, where he can activate the airlock to drown the zombies. So, I'm making him a safehouse to repel the zombie invasion.


Got any ideas for dastardly traps?

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This "Infection" mod... Where would one download it? Sounds great for some brief fun. If you can't find it, could you possibly upload it (if it's just an esp, it should be doable in a forum post as an attachment)?


Water traps are fun and all, but not as much to my mind as lava traps. You might consider horizontal versions of some existing "falling" traps, most notably the falling blades across Ayleid Ruin bridges. Also perhaps swinging blades concealed in the ceiling instead of the wall, to stop too many getting past. Chained boulder traps down a hill are always fun, but perhaps that has too large a reset time...

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A variation on lava traps: Have a critter with ResistWaterDamage set to 100, aggressive to NPCs, moderate health, confidence of 5-10, and give it a 1 point Restore Health and water breathing ability. Place a number of these in an area with a central walkway with lava on both sides. A retextured 'Lava Crab' might look decent.


Not sure if it would need something to make it prefer fleeing underwater.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have afew EVIL! ideas, the trap that the battle mage gets killed on when you go looking for that mage guild member that is actavated by a button at the door!, Pit spikes, trap door to a pit of ANGRY respawning grommites from SI, the BIG thing that drops down in one of the Oblivion gates when you have to show Burd how to close a Gate, Drowning chambers!..... i have meny more that i can`t think of right now....


P.S. how did you get your 28 days and abit zombie / zombie take over thing 2 work?? as mine don`t

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