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Character Creation Bug


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So, I've tried to search the web for a while to find a resolution to this glitch, but to my surprise nobody else seems to have it! The issue is that I can't get past the character creation screen. It's not that it freezes exactly(I can continue to make adjustments and such), and it's not that the game crashes. I simply cannot find a way to continue. I'm not new to computer games, and I'm not stupid; I've never had this trouble with completing the character creation process before. I tried pressing any button I could think of without any success. Eventually, after finding no records from anyone else having this issue, I try to find videos of the character creation on the PC to see if I can get any clue. It's not like I can see their keyboard, but I was desperate. At first, I wasn't getting any clues, but I finally found it. I noticed in the lower left-hand corner it says to press 'r' to finish it. I was quite certain my game lacked that. In confirmation, I booted it up again and confirmed it's missing. I tried pressing 'r' anyway to try to get through it, but without avail. I've also tried restarting Steam(though it's not really a Steam problem exactly), and not surprisingly that didn't work either. So here I am hoping that someone has some clue as to why my game glitched like it has. Thanks so much to anyone who can provide some insight on resolving this highly annoying issue.
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If pressing R with the mouse or keyboard does not work, maybe (you have a conflict) with a pad connected?


Otherwise it may only be installed wrong


Sorry, what do you mean by a "pad" connected?


I also tried re-installing the game with the disc but that did not work. I guess I could try to install it purely through Steam and wait a long time for it, but I was hoping there'd be a quicker fix than that.

Edited by DarkBowser
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If pressing R with the mouse or keyboard does not work, maybe (you have a conflict) with a pad connected?


Otherwise it may only be installed wrong


Sorry, what do you mean by a "pad" connected?


I also tried re-installing the game with the disc but that did not work. I guess I could try to install it purely through Steam and wait a long time for it, but I was hoping there'd be a quicker fix than that.



I mean a joypad.


is the first game you do? or already have other characters?


I tried google but can not find anything about it.


try using a save of a character already created in the mod

or do a save before the creation of the character turn off the game and restart from that point.


try to run the game in window mode also.

Edited by TaygaGirl
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No, this game is brand new and would be my first attempt at playing. I'm not using any kind of external controllers for this either. And like I said, I couldn't find anything on google about this issue either which makes it very frustrating. I'll try and see if this windowed mode fixes it. I honestly doubt it, but I'm willing to give it a try.


I just tried windowed mode and it failed as expected. =/ I really wish I knew how to fix this problem because I can't even play the game.

Edited by DarkBowser
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When you're done and you have a character press R, press R the game gets a little break of 1 second (as if it loaded) then asks for the name to be entered

the problem is in that point (maybe bad install from disk)


Try to post on the official Bethsda forum this problem , maybe you have better luck.

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However you can play the game, else the weekend a new patch.


Meanwhile, you can use the save after the creation of someone else (a friend if you have).

I am installing for the 4 th time the game to crash when / black screen.


If it works you can send me the parameters of your character and the name and I do it for you, sending you to save (nothing comes to mind)


Depends what country you are you

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Sorry, tired, and realized I didn't specify after I posted. Basically I was curious if your native language is something other than English, and if so, what it is.


Well, I was going to make a male Nord with one of the medium length hairs, some scarring, and black war-paint around the eyes, and the max weight. Anything else is mostly incidental and I'll be okay with it.

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Well I'm downloading the patch of 2 GB and now Steam servers are crap and it is very slow 1 hour and 30 minutes (i hope).


You can ask the request for a save with these character's forum around here (maybe the mods request) if you do not want to wait.

In the mod you can find several ready-made characters of lv 1


When I finish the first thing I will do it.


I am Japan / Italian and I have a bad English (google translator helps me)

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