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Lighting broken after ENB


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So I have multiple mods, and recently got an ENB. Used it a bit, then disabled it. Deleted the d3d9.dll and disable the mod (RealVision ENB), deleted every single enb file, and got on with my life. Things were a bit too dark so I deleted skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini. Game re-made them, re-enabled my mods and now the game looks like this : http://steamcommunity.com/id/dracusorul/screenshots/?appid=72850&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall (FIRST SCREENS IN WHITERUN) and I don't know why. I checked the prefs and I don't have mods that changed that. Did multiple CLEAN reinstalls. Stuff is too dark, landscape is too bright. Tried all brightnesses. Everything seems to be yellow-ish. Probably bad color correction. Please help! I have 52 mods of which 50 are active. I suppose you can check my endorsement list for the mods.

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That's weird. The only mod I know that could cause that is Imaginator. Are you using Climates of Tamriel, Enhaced Lights and FX, Realistic Lightning Overhaul or something like that? Those mods tend to change colors drastically in some cases. Try moving somewhere else and see if the problem persist. If it does, then its working as it should. I think the Realvision ENB makes some changes to your config files, but if you deleted them, that shouldn't be a problem. Are you sure you don't have any other extra dll in your Skyrim folder? SweetFX perhaps?


EDIT: I just noticed you said it happens in a clean install too. Check your graphic card control panel and reset all 3D options for skyrim, perhaps something messed up there.

Edited by MaxShadow09
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