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(possible spoilers) Nighingale armor ► AC Ezio's armor


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Hello to whoever will read this.


Ok so here I am, finishing the last thieves guild quests. You'll receive an armor, quite nice armor I think. ---- I'll start with Oblivion. There are some armors from AC2, but for Tes4 Oblivion. But, in Oblivion, It didn't quite fit to the world of Cyrodiil. To the point, I think that Ezio's armor from AC Brtoherhood (I think so, not quite sure, feel free to correct me) will fit prefectly to the Nightingales. Here's the picture http://images.wikia.com/assassinscreed/images/b/b5/Armor_Of_Brutus_v.png . If some modder, or somebody who can create models and textures will have time and would like to do that, I'd be quite grateful. I can put it into the world of Skyrim myself once the Creation kit is released. So again, I need "just" models and textures, not the finished mod.


Thanks for reading this, have a pleasant day, sorry for my bad english

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should the armor replace the dark brotherhood's armor? they are both assassins




No I was thinking about Nightingales armor as the one to be replaced. But it shouldn't be problem to replace DB armor either. But, my opinion is that armor from AC1 (Altair's) would be more appropriate for DB. In my point of view is DB strictly medieval. The Brutus armor, or just AC 2 armor (another option- http://images.wikia.com/assassinscreed/images/0/02/Alta%C3%AFr_armor_concept.jpg ) suits the Nightingales better. I'm thinking of a good explanation, but to tell the truth, my english language is probably not good enough to explain my understanding of DB and the Thieves guild, especially in Skyrim (I can't think of any explanation in my language either :confused: ). NotCras - are you thinking about creating the models and textures?


Have a pleasant day, sorry for my bad english

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