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Select nif without extracting BSAs?


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I'm trying to change the model of a static in the CK. I understand I can extract the standard BSAs and select the nif, but I don't have that much space on my hard drive at the moment, and anyway it seems a bit strange to unpack all the BSAs just to be able to input a file path. After a google search, I found the following discussion, which includes:


You don't have to actually unpack or find the .nif if it's a "standard" Nif that came with the game. Simply open the armor that you want, copy it's path, and paste that path in when you're replacing it. That is, if you want your Leather Cuirass to look like Daedric, you would open ArmorDaedricCuirass and copy "Armor\Daedric\DaedricCuirassGO.nif". Then open ArmorLeatherCuirass and hit the Edit button next to World Model. Paste in the path and it will work.



I can copy the path of the nif I want from the static that uses it, but when I try to paste it in the field for my custom static it's greyed out. Pressing the edit button just goes to the file selection dialog.


So is there a way I can just select a standard nif without having to unpack all those BSAs?

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