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cant find second file in recorder mod! help!?


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  • 6 months later...

Its easier to find with the Unread Books Glow mod. Heres how to find it;


If you are standing at the quest marker if front of the cave entrance to Elderglean Sanctuary. Then;

go to Map - Local Map.

From the caves door key icon;

Straight North (up).

The 1st circular pool

Now go there.

Its the first, biggest pool at the top of the pool formation there.

Stand at that pools center, facing North.

Its at about the 5 Oclock position behind you, on the brim of the pool.

Hope that helps.


(Should be â instead of a with the accent)

Edited by Eddeothus
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
To all turn off the clipping TCL in console just type TCL and enter for off and do the same again to turn back on when you're done. Save before you do this also if you have followers ask them all to wait some distance away. Go to the pond position as described by others. With clipping off you will need to search the rim area on and under the southern edge side of the pond carefully going in and out until you see the blue file. It took me a while to see it, but is there. The unread books glow mod I already had and it was not showing the 2nd file. Had to dive in with clipping off to find this. Best wishes Skyrim and Recorder fans.
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