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I accidentally deleted Update.esm


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I'm using Mod Organizer and there's a warning that there're overwrite folders and there's Update.esm in it. I thought that one already exist and this's an extra one so i delete it now i can't play the game anymore. Is there a way for me to get Update.esm back or if I reinstall the game can I keep the saves and mods that I already have? Please give me advice and restrain from calling me stupid for deleting it, I know i am :sad:(

Edited by FallenDev
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The "update.esm" should not have ended up on the overwrite folder to begin with any way. Don't edit masters of the main game files.

Ohhh...that's why the overwritten files appeared when i used Tes5edit, but i just followed what's on youtube clean the update, all the three dlc...

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The "update.esm" should not have ended up on the overwrite folder to begin with any way. Don't edit masters of the main game files.

Ohhh...that's why the overwritten files appeared when i used Tes5edit, but i just followed what's on youtube clean the update, all the three dlc...


You know, the big problem with things "suggested is? " they conveniently leave out any data, information as to the exact records that are claimed to be In error?..and I have half the mind to post all of that information for each and every game so suggested as dirty just to have something to do.


Is there any place for each game anyone has posted these exact records deemed so? I would really like to read an compare notes as to the Validity of the cleaning frenzies taking place.


I would also ask where they obtained the source code to validate the suggestions.


seriously !


your here because of those suggestions and use of a tool not meant for this but can do it, and all I ever see are complaints about this subject....how about we gather up all the Geniuses and get the acts together , provide the information to support the suggestions then I might believe it is it is indeed valid, as far I as know "Bethesda" has not released the source code any where in the world.

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