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Useable Firearms?


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Either which way, in the end, I would really appreciate it if someone made a (or a set) of firearm(s), and/or a functional crossbow. Either which way, Arrows travel too slowly, I need something with a bit of a better punch. Now: Modders, someone up to the task?
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it's a simple advance in technology.


you see, Tamriel is STILL, after like 5 000 years, using the same old weapons and magics.


would be nice to see some crafty Companion to come up with Crossbow design (we can already see Bolt guns on dwemer automatons). East Empire company could bring a large shipment of single-shot pistols by ship from Hammerfel (or whatever).

Lore would be easy to make up. The problem is getting ppl that would create such mod.




smithing Single-Shot pistol

- 2 firewood

- 2 <put any metal defining smithing level> ingot

- 3 leather straps

= <name> Revolver


- daedric could use 2x as many ebony ingots and have 2 barrels - can fire 2 bullets rapidly, but reloading takes two times longer.


ammunition - via alchemy

- 1 fire salts

- 1 bone meal

- 10 iron ingots

= 50 bullets





examples of Firearms skill tree:


True Shot

20/40/60/80/100% more damage done by guns.



Bullets deal triple damage if they hit the head. Hitting other parts causes stagger on all but the biggest foes.



Reload speed increased by 15/25/35%.


Penetrating Shot

Bullets ignore 30/60% armor. If target doesn't have any armor, bullet will go through him and damage target behind him for 50/75% damage.


Puncturing Shot

Bullets leave damage over time effect.



Your bullets have 25% chance to knock the opponent down.

Edited by peregrine111
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how would you make a body of a pistol out of charcoal???

That's why there is wood. if you can see the pistol on the pic in this topic, you can see there is plenty of wood on it.


but maybe bullets could use charcoal instead of bone meal


yeah brain fart sry i dont know what i was thinking there... i think i saw FIREwood and thought charcoal instead xD my b and no i think bone meal would be very flammable and mixed with fire salts... its fine

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I would still prefer crossbow designs over the "ONESHOT!" gun you seem to want. I really see no fun in a instant kill weapon. Make it deal X damage, which is NOT OP, nd have a huge reload time. This would be new techonlogy, build with the help of the dwemer technology. The gun could explode, it could stop working and generally be akward to hit the target. There is no 100% aim proof sniper rifle going on.


I might need to collect some reference and see if I can't make a simple pistol that could fit in Tamriel, and see how it would look. We'd still need animations and the shooting effect. I got no idea in the slighest how you'd want to do that!


It's kind of amazing what a single basic crafting system, given to us by Bethesda, can make doable.

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I would still prefer crossbow designs over the "ONESHOT!" gun you seem to want. I really see no fun in a instant kill weapon. Make it deal X damage, which is NOT OP, nd have a huge reload time. This would be new techonlogy, build with the help of the dwemer technology. The gun could explode, it could stop working and generally be akward to hit the target. There is no 100% aim proof sniper rifle going on.


I might need to collect some reference and see if I can't make a simple pistol that could fit in Tamriel, and see how it would look. We'd still need animations and the shooting effect. I got no idea in the slighest how you'd want to do that!


It's kind of amazing what a single basic crafting system, given to us by Bethesda, can make doable.


Well, the reason people want a one-hit kill weapon is because of what you went on to suggest. An inaccurate, slow loading, unpredictable device - Why would one use it if it wasn't powerful? That's the reason people in real life took to using guns, after all; they had trouble hitting anything past 10 yards, but they were pretty damn effective when they did.

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The thing is, if you are the only one with a gun, it becomes OP. You sneak up, and BOOOM, the dragon died.

This would be a experimental weapon. It could explode in your face for no reason. Even if we use a risk/reard system, you are the only on using it.


Besides, I rather make 5 guns, and have different damage, then you could add parts to it as you find dwemer scetches of it, like making it more accurate, than having a single onshot gun that gives you no reason to want to change.


Of course, I also like a game to have a purpose and take time. Not get X, use X for the next 200 houres.

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Well, one could, if they wanted, go the whole nine yards and just add renaissance sort of technology all over Skyrim - The world of the Elder Scrolls has existed more than long enough to have developed such things. They would be rare, but still present.
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Too much becomes way too anti-lore in my book. It simply goes too far.

I can see an experimental gun, a few crossbows, perhaps an enchanted forge. However, too much and it suddently goes the same way Fable went. Not good.

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