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immersion game breaking stealth


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The Dragonborn: runs the whole game as a heavy armor wearing, sword and board in your face warrior only to find out he/she needs to know how to sneak during the civil war questline. i find this extremely frustrating for the obviously stated reason. why is there no way to achieve the blackmail/help from certain court person by any other means? why does it have to be a stealth mission? this puts a major damper on the heavy armor wearing in your face warrior that doesn't (nor is able because of heavy armor) sneak. at this point one has to learn how to sneak by whatever means needed to achieve the level needed to sneak past the guards. even with a muffle spell/enchantment and invisibility (which i wouldn't want a warrior type to use. i've got my sword and shield. who needs magic?) it wouldn't bode well for one in heavy armor with no skill in sneaking. ("stealth is for cowards" says the in your face warrior) why is there no option for "i'm not the sneaking type" player in the dialogue for this quest? anyone else feel my pain?

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For that matter why did they "break" the whole point in wearing heavy armor with such a low armor cap? If you don't know, it is pointless to get more than about 666 armor, which can easily be done with Elven armor and smithing perks/potions. That said, despite it's many flaws, there is still no better game than Skyrim.

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