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A request


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Hi there ! So i'm a BIG fan of you modders out there, you do an amazing job, and wether you belive it or not - you are the reason The Elder Scrolls series are so popular,
Without mods the game wouldn't be fun to play for 10 years ( Yes i'm still playing Oblivion ), but now i have a request for a modder who's looking for a new project,
i'm a Jyggalag fan ( Prince of Order ) and i've been looking for years for a mod that has some of the armors from The Shivering Isle expansion, especially the Order Priest
armor, so what i'm asking is - if anyone with the free time out there in the vast modding community has the know-how and the time to do it - would you PLEASE create a
4K Version of the order priest armor ?

Keep up the good work !

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Hey there,

You might want to check this topic, you're more likely to get people finding your question. This topic is not for mod request ;)

Moderator quotte;
The Mod Requests section is for suggesting mods which may not yet exist, or for talking about mod ideas that you do not have any plans on making yourself.

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