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Crash in Dawnstar Sanctuary


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Hello, I get a CTD (crash to desktop) when I try to enter in the Dawnstar Sanctuary (after completing the quest where I had to kill Cicero and another set of kills for the arabian dude )


Tried to teleport myself into the dawnstarsactuary but I have the same issue

I googled my problem but no luck T-T


Hope some one could help me !


ADDITIONAL INFO: I have skyrim legendary

Im using NMM, this is the load order:


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
KS Hairdos - HDT.esp=1
DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1
Skyla Follower.esp=1
Xevaria Follower.esp=1
Dallas Follower.esp=1
Alexis Follower.esp=1
Cassandra Frost Witch.esp=1
Celes Nightingale Armor.esp=1
Emfy Cleric Robes.esp=1
Gwelda Dawnguard Armor.esp=1
Merta Assassin Armor.esp=1
Merta Black Rose Armor.esp=1
Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp=1
Ursine Armor Pack.esp=1
Daedric Reaper Armor.esp=1
KS Hairdo's.esp=1
Ranger Outfit.esp=1
Mystic Enchantress.esp=1
Gwelda Red Riding Hood.esp=1
Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp=1
WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1
Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp=1
Better Vampires.esp=1
VL No AoE Drain.esp=1
HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp=1

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  • CTD in a particular cell / location.
  • Selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase /decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.
  • Make sure you're using the latest USLEEP instead of the obsolete unofficial patches. If some of your old mods require them, you may use the USLEEP swap masters.
  • Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.
  • Verify gamecache.
  • CTDs troubleshooting page on Reddit, depending on what's happening in game, choose the subsections that describes the best your problem.

Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done. :

/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

  • Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page. You may use this updated guide to clean your masters. It contains the same automated cleaning procedure as Gopher explains in his video + repeating once for Dawnguard.esm + some selective manual cleaning.
  • The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT should tell you which plugin you should clean. You may also do a check errors.

/// Load order / mods conflicts :

/// Settings / memory :

/// Save game :

/// Meshes healer :

  • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

/// Useful informations :

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for your usefull information ! I have seen somewhere on a forum that the same situation happened to another person, the guy had no mods installed.


The unoficial skyrim patch, is it good ? (will it create other problems for the game ?? )


I have uncheked all my plugins from NMM and it is the same situation T-T

Edited by zaigw
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You're welcome.

<The unoficial skyrim patch, is it good ? (will it create other problems for the game ?? )> a must have as it corrects a ton of potential problems.


Thank you, I will try it out :)

Im trying to use the TES5EDIT to clean up some files, installed LOOT and have some errors on my main files from skyrim and on 2 or 3 miscellaneous mods

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<Im trying to use the TES5EDIT to clean up some files, installed LOOT and have some errors on my main files from skyrim and on 2 or 3 miscellaneous mods> watch the videos above "check errors and manual patch", they will help you.


Good luck.

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<Im trying to use the TES5EDIT to clean up some files, installed LOOT and have some errors on my main files from skyrim and on 2 or 3 miscellaneous mods> watch the videos above "check errors and manual patch", they will help you.


Good luck.


Hehe.....thank you so much for your time, I do hope I will find the problem and not RE-RE-RE-START from a fresh new game ......


Do you know if there is a possibility if I install COMPANIONS in the middle of the game to ruin my files ?.... or are they just "inserted" npc who will not trigger any error in my files ? ....(So that I should know on the future installations if I start a new game or something)

Thanks once more my friend ! you are very helpful ^^ !

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<Do you know if there is a possibility if I install COMPANIONS in the middle of the game to ruin my files ?.... or are they just "inserted" npc who will not trigger any error in my files ? ....(So that I should know on the future installations if I start a new game or something)>What I've done so far to make wise choices about mods is testing them few at a time in a playthrough. Level 80 I started another, when I had my "definitive" list of mods. So to answer you, yes you can install companions, but the result will depend on your choices, the compatibility between your mods and how you manage it.

You may follow the dangerous mod list above that cover also replacement mods, to be sure you won't make bad choices. You may also use STEP.


Good luck.

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<Do you know if there is a possibility if I install COMPANIONS in the middle of the game to ruin my files ?.... or are they just "inserted" npc who will not trigger any error in my files ? ....(So that I should know on the future installations if I start a new game or something)>What I've done so far to make wise choices about mods is testing them few at a time in a playthrough. Level 80 I started another, when I had my "definitive" list of mods. So to answer you, yes you can install companions, but the result will depend on your choices, the compatibility between your mods and how you manage it.

You may follow the dangerous mod list above that cover also replacement mods, to be sure you won't make bad choices. You may also use STEP.


Good luck.


Interesting ! Thank you once again for your prompt answer !



It seems I had the "BRILLIANT IDEA" to launch the game via game launcher (and not SKSE), so most probably the problem is from a mod (or a few mods)

UNCHECKING the little boxes in the NMM at your mod plugins wont do the job, I think you may need to deactivate half of the mods and check that section to see if it that batch of mods is one mod that is causing the problem.


I will try to post updates on my going or if I succeed, my final solution (so others with the same problem will know what to do asap)

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