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[Simple Request] Remove train limit, add a way to buy perk points


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I think we can all agree that for a high level character gold is pretty useless. IMO a way to fix this is to remove the training limit per level (when you pay some one to level up a skill for you). It makes that gold sink even bigger and it also means that high level characters won't have to spend their time grinding skills they don't want to use just to level up.


And my second request is to add a way to buy perk points with gold, I know this is pretty much cheating but it could be balanced so that it costs 50k or 100k gold, making it a good endgame goal.


Thank you for your time! The Elder Scrolls modding community is awesome <3

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  • 1 month later...
Second vote for mod to remove the limit of training 5 times per level. I'd like to switch up and try some new skills with my wealthy high level character, but it seems silly that I have to grind some other unrelated skill like smithing before they'll teach me to cast better illusion spells.
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