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Pixel Problems with Hightmaps


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ok i know lightwave would probably be the best person to ask this of but i cant seem to get in contact with him...


Any who does anyone know the gradient limit for oblivion hightmaps befor they all get shot to hell?


max hight distance between two points (pixels) would be even better but i can figure it out with a gradient limit as well.


Need to wright a script that i can run over a raw hightmap to up and down the pixels so that tesannwyn doesent keep croping them for me (got the squares are ugly)


Cheers in advance :)


Also its good to be back long time no see everyone :)

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ok i know lightwave would probably be the best person to ask this of but i cant seem to get in contact with him...


Any who does anyone know the gradient limit for oblivion hightmaps befor they all get shot to hell?


max hight distance between two points (pixels) would be even better but i can figure it out with a gradient limit as well.


Need to wright a script that i can run over a raw hightmap to up and down the pixels so that tesannwyn doesent keep croping them for me (got the squares are ugly)


Cheers in advance :)


Also its good to be back long time no see everyone :)

I think a distance of 2000 or so between points was the maximum to where you could still go in and change them without having to smoothe things. I think it was somewhere around 4000 before the cells started to break because of it. Easiest way to figure it out is to use the paint brush to set points at a specific height and see if you can still raise/lower the terrain, and if there will be an error saving the cell.

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