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Pre-war building styles?


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If we're rebuilding a civilization from the ground up, is there any reason we shouldn't make the buildings as nice as we possibly can?


I'd like to see a mod that lets us build settlements using pre-war textures. Textures can be pulled form the home before the bombs hit, as well as the Cabit Manor, so there's no need to develop new textures from the ground up. You could probably palette swap some of those textures in order to get new colors, but other than that, it should just be a matter of ripping the textures straight from existing in-game graphics.


Maybe you could even do it, not as originals walls, floors, and roofs, but as decorations. A wallpaper that will cover an entire panel of walls, or a rug that will cover an entire panel of floor, and that will snap together alongside other wallpapers or rugs, so you don't have to constantly and meticulously place the rugs or floors so that there's no overlap but no cracks either.


Any takers?

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Your Nexus-Fu is sadly lacking young Padawan ... We already have several mods that give Pre-War build sets. Rebuild - Modular Sanctuary Housing gives you an (almost) complete set of Pre-War Sanctuary Hills style building items, and "Snappy House Kit, give you an an (almost) complete set of Pre-War Covenant/Concord style house build items. Then there are several that also include "Brick" and Timber items for "City" buildings ...


I'd suggest you go to the front page and use the "Categories" drop down menu and look through he building/settlement ones. I think you'll find there are many, many mods that do what you've asked for.

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I just downloaded and installed those two mods you recommended, but now, every time I go to "Structures > Metal," the game just shuts down.


I've had this problem before, in Skyrim. It would spontaneously shut down at the beginning of game launch. This time, it shuts down when I go to the section of the game that uses the mod. but other than that, the way it shuts down is identical.


I know, from that past experience, that the problem is that I don't have a prerequisite mod that the current mod uses.


However, neither of those two mods stated that I needed any prerequisite mods.


What's going on?

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