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new things to do like fishing warm hands by fire build fire


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I'd love to set up campfires anywhere I want (option to set up in town or not) and I'd like to have a bedroll I can carry round and set up wherever I want. Maybe even a tent.


Definitely a fishing minigame thingy where you use the mouse/right-stick to pull in the fish and move the rod around a bit.


Hand warming or setting up a chair or log or even just crouching next to a fire would be cool too.


I'd like to use kettles and pots and pans and plates, etc.

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I'd love to set up campfires anywhere I want (option to set up in town or not) and I'd like to have a bedroll I can carry round and set up wherever I want. Maybe even a tent.


Definitely a fishing minigame thingy where you use the mouse/right-stick to pull in the fish and move the rod around a bit.


Hand warming or setting up a chair or log or even just crouching next to a fire would be cool too.


I'd like to use kettles and pots and pans and plates, etc.


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