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Possible Fix for Overly Sensitive Dynamic Lighting


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So... I found these interesting gradients in the .bsa that I believe the game's post processing shaders are using to create the dynamic lighting effect. However, I have no skill whatsoever in altering textures. My attempts at altering one of them resulted in the game repairing what I had done (to an extent). I think this may have been because I saved it in the wrong format, though I did try DTX 1, DXT1a, DXT3, and DXT5. All resulted in it altering my altered texture so I unfortunately saw no noticeable difference with the one I messed around with.



If someone out there would like to look at these and see what they can come up with, whether it results in a working "fix" for the over sensitive dynamic lighting or just some knew knowledge about how the game engine functions, the files in question are all located at \textures\effects\gradients\ in the textures.bsa and here's a list of them:

gradlinealpha.dds -- the one I was playing with.



gradviobrightinvertalpha.dds -- solid black?!

gradvertexsoftalpha.dds -- a 0 byte file?!





So... It's been a while, but I've recently been pointed towards a couple of console commands that affect the post processing filters that cause this issue in the first place. The catch is if you use the console to alter them, they don't save. They reset as soon as you enter a new worldspace whether it's via interior/exterior transition or fast travel. The game has two separate presets, one for interior and one for exterior worldspaces.


The commands are:

php - Print HDR Paramaters (This shows you the current settings for HDR, Cinematic, and Tint)

shp - Set HDR Paramaters

scp - Set Cinematic Parameters

stp - Set Tint Parameters


In order to alter these you simply enter "scp ## ## ##". Each spaced number automatically applies to the parameter it's spacing matches up with. The HDR settings, and the Cinematic Parameters are the ones I'm personally concerned with as I'd like to turn down Bloom and Dynamic Lighting (gives an effect similar to Dynamic Contrast monitors). If anyone figures out if these are tweakable via the .ini config files, or if there's a method to save the parameters after setting them through the console, or if there's data pertaining to the presets buried somewhere in the .esm or the shaders I'd appreciate a heads up.

Edited by MShoap13
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After further tinkering I've found the game lets them stay as I saved them if I save them as "DXT5 NM" however, after trying solid black and solid white on most of these I'm pretty sure it's safe to say the game does not use these for dynamic lighting in any way :pinch:. Edited by MShoap13
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