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Ideas for mods which I cant make


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Can any1 make a mod that always shows equiped weapons like shield on back, 2 handed wep. bow and arrows. I hate to see characters pull s*** out of nowhere. also kinda would like to see my character carry a backpack satchels and sacks and stuff always wondered where all the stuff in your inventory goes. some kind of dark hole or imaginary portal I mean the game is realistic but it doesnt deliver. Also would like to see a a high lvl execution perk that lets u kill s*** faster instead of going toe 2 toe for hours with big mobs, like if i get the mob down to 60 percent hp i can just execute them instead of swinging around. Also why the f*** cant we ride those dragons, and breath fire on stuff. If any1 can make this mods id gladly pay for them but i probably wont.
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