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Graphics am I blind


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well yea i know that, but i meant it in a way that considering how the person was saying games need good graphics blah blah blah and if he seen those and played it now what he would think? good? bad? meh? hell i still think they look good and i still play them :)
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Now you don't want the game to be like Crysis with photorealism graphix and zero gameplay, do you? Just hang on for some weeks/months until huge texture packs appear. ;)



How is that even a valid point when there are far too many games with good graphics and better stories than Skyrim.


1. The Witcher 2

2. Dragon Age Origins

3. Two Worlds 2

4. Gothic 4

5. Deus Ex HR

6. Stalker games

7. Half Life series

8. Lord of the Rings war in the north

9. Star Craft 2


I could add some fine adventure games to that list.


A great game should be the whole package, just like a film is -- story, acting, human drama, conflict and challenges, and a compelling world.


I play these games to be swept off to fantasy worlds. Today, we don't have to settle for a representation of a world anymore. It can virtually come alive. Graphics are as vital as good voice acting, and both can bring a game crashing down. So can story, and so can any of the other elements.


Skyrim graphics are irregular. Some I shake my head at, others I stare in wonder. Can story "make up" for bad graphics? No. That idea just doesn't play. The game goes from an A to a B. Graphics support story, and vice versa. When one is weak, the game is weaker.



Yes I agree and not many games can have an even level of all these usually most fall off at some point.


A main thing for me is the game graphics has to be even. This isn't the case in Skyrim. Some textures are good and a lot are bad which just ruins the feel.


I still play Final Fantasy games and am not bothered at all by their graphics because they are timeless classics and they have uniform graphics all the way through.




But it all depends upon what time we are in and for todays standards Skyrim could easily be mistakes for a game released 5 years ago or even more.



Games like borderlands with cell shading are acceptable because its a deliberate artistic style. Where as Bethesda can hardly claim the same for having super low res ground and high res people then low res foliage then high res dirt then low res rocks.

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these idiots


whou whou slow down squareenixx, while I do agree with you i cant support you going down to that level. Please refrain from calling anybody "idiot" there is nothing to gain for you there. Just lets try and stick to a certain degree of constructive discussion. Save the "Brawls" for the Bars okay?


Graphics should be considered a component, say a instrument in a orchestra. You can make music without that particular one but it sounds better with. Another analogy if you are not into music, a Car does not need to be good looking to be fast or even exciting but if it is fast and exciting AND good looking than its a better car. Can we agree to that?


By the way, I think Skyrim looks good! not "setting new standards" good but nonetheless good. That for the records.

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The game I was playing when my husband dropped the Skyrim package on my desk was Baldur's Gate.


Occasionally there are graphical glitches in Skyrim, but there are dragons again, and who knows how that'll affect the world. Missing walls, abnormal shadows, blurry ground underfoot, guess that dragon hit me harder than I realized.


The weirdest thing, though, are the web-spitting bears. :laugh:

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So you're telling me a game has to have good graphics to be good? or at least keep you playing?


For example these games here have to look good to be good to you? sucks to be you people :/






Oh for Christ sake they are classics that had good graphics for their time and are re playable just like Final Fantasy and other classics.



So you act like an idiot saying graphics don't matter at all and its just the story. Well a picture can paint a thousand words and since the picture isn't important to you them maybe you shouldn't be gaming in the first place. Go read a book if visuals mean nothing to you.

Edited by squareenixx
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There's people complaining about the graphics with a straight face?


That's kinda cute.


First off, the screenshots on the left still look better than the ones on the right to me.


Secondly, I can cherry pick screenshots too even if the screenshots do look terrible compared to the actual game.

http://s11.postimage.org/jl3dsn25t/TESV_2011_11_27_17_04_46_36.png http://s8.postimage.org/gbojqdrlv/TESV_2011_11_27_17_05_24_95.png




Thirdly, http://www.geforce.com/Optimize/Guides/five-fast-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweaks-guaranteed-to-make-your-game-look-even-better


And finally, the creation kit isn't even out so the best modders can't do everything they want to do, and you're still complaining skyrim doesn't LOOK good enough when it's already up there at the top? Get effing real dude.


TL;DR, if the graphics are not good enough for you, please, pretty please with a sugar on top, develop your own game with ungodly graphics so we may drink from the awesomeness that is your talent for designing graphical wonders within a game the size of China. Till then? Get off your high horse.


Sincerely, The Devils advocate.

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This whole graphics don't matter crap is a red herring for elder scrolls fanboys defending their game no matter how bad it looks.


okay, now you are just flaming.


Who says you are not an "anti Elder Scrolls Fanboy" trying to belittle the ES Series? see how ridiculous this can get?

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