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Anton021's Mod Ideas


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Hi guys I thought I'd make a thread where I will put all of the Idea that i come up with instead of having to create a bunch of small thread. Please feel free to criticise and suggest ways to improve it. Thank you


Increase Companions/ Party Gameplay

-Mod that allows you to have more companions (preferably 3-4) and makes it feel like you’re running around in a party like in other RPGs

-Allows you to hire Companions and be able to gear them and let them learn spells (optional)

-Allows companions scale with your level.

-More companions=tougher enemies.

-Add new action that taunt enemies in a certain radius to allow a tank companion or you to tank for them and a new spell that allows you to resurrect a dead companion (not allowed for non-companion). More in the new spell ideas section.




New Spell ideas

-Add offensive spells into other schools beside destruction and conjurations along with other spells.



Exorcise- deals slightly weaker damage against normal enemies (half damage of bolt spell) and high damage against undead and daedric (2x damage of bolt spell). Mana cost is same as bolt spells.

Revive- Allows you to revive a dead companion. Requires soul gem to cast. High mana cost and a 3 second casting time.



Soul siphon- drains the enemy’s life every second. Works like flame spell where you have to hold it to keep going. Slows movement down when being used. Enemies killed with this spell gives soul gem (designs to work like warlock spell in WoW). Low mana cost per second.

Sunder- Swap the target’s health with your health. (Designed to work like sunder from DOTA) High mana cost. Success chance depends on how strong the target is.



Conflagration- Makes the enemy think that they are on fire causing fire damage per seconds. Damage is around 6x of fireball for 25 seconds. Low mana cost

Berserk- same effect as elemental fury but targeted and target takes 30% more damage. Low mana cost




Monk Gameplay and spells

-Adds new spells that makes you feel like you are playing a monk class.

-Your character will look like its barefist but it actually has a spell on it.

-hits twice as fast as normal fist.

-you are not allowed to use monk skills on brawls.

-Designed to be use with robes and flesh skills from alteration.




Fire/frost/shock/holy fist- deals elemental damage at melee range. charged attack deal 1.5x damage and 25% chance to staggers the enemy. costs low mana and stamina.

Fire/frost/shock/holy Flurry-Works like flame/spark but deals more damage and uses stamina and more magic.

Lightning Dash- Works like whirlwind sprint but shorter range and stagger all the enemy on the path and knocks out the final one to get hit. triggered by action button. costs medium stamina and low mana. 20 sec cd.

Final Strike- drains all your mana, stamina, and leave your health at 1 and use it to do a very heavy damage. damage formula is (mana drained+stamina drained+ health drained)x2. after you used this skill you will move slow like you are overincumbered, attack 4x slower, and will stop regenerating health, magicka, and stamina for 20 seconds making this skill a finisher. has a 3 second cast time. enemies gets pushed back like relentless force.




More to come

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