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Some vanilla NPCs into Enderal?


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In the past couple months or so there have been a lot of really great mods, problem is a lot of them revolve around vanilla NPCs or at least their dialogue and voice types. Now with the release of Enderal (Which is an absolutely gorgeous worldspace and mostly why I don't want to leave it) all of those don't really play well together.... at all. I think it'd be awesome if somebody could manage to sift through both of the masses of NPCs and find a way to integrate them together so that the lore can still be mostly upheld AND we can use all these brilliant mods still.


Maybe there'd have to be some renaming of locations to get stuff to fit, maybe even just replace an entire city, I don't know. I just think that some parts of the lore can be interchangeable. One example I noticed is the fact that the Skaal in Solstheim refer to their god as the "All-Maker" and some of the people in Enderal's lore believe in "The Creator" so you could probably move the whole Skaal tribe in if you found a way to make the DLC compatible and removed references to Skyrim or Solstheim, or even like I said just rename an island or something so that they can still make those references and it works.


Another idea could be to remove all the NPCs who refer to Ark as Ark and rename the city to Solitude, then you could find some place to put the Stormcloaks and keep the whole civil war trope.


I understand it would probably be a lot of work, I just think it'd be a great mod to have since the vanilla Enderal world has so much more care and attention to detail than the Skyrim one does.

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