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How to reuse voice files?


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Hello, I'd like some help with getting the voice files set up. I want my custom NPCs to reuse vanilla voice file. For some reason it's not working. I've extracted the files, converted them to Xwm, and placed them in: Data > Sound > Voice > MyModsName > gunnermale02



Problem is, in the Creation Kit under edit response there is no way to edit in my extracted files. Voice Filename can't be renamed and I can't add anything to Voice Type. How can I add voices to NPCs?



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First you have to record "dummy" voice files for each line of dialogue you add. Once you record them you can go into the modname/voicetype/ folder and delete them.


Extract the actual sound file you want to use using the voice extractor tool. Rename it according to the file name created when you recorded your own dialogue. Copy it to the mod/voicetype/ folder. From there you can highlight the voice file in the dialogue window and generate lip file (WAV). Make sure you copy the renamed voice file in the mod folder and exit the dialogue window and re-enter it before you generate the lip file or it wont work (bug).


Also you must use the 32 bit creation kit.




Create a new line of dialogue.. "Hey Im a jerk" (example).

Record some gibberish as wav (doesnt matter you will delete it anyways)

Exit to the previous menu in the CK.

Go into the voice folder in your mod and delete that new file you just recorded.

Find the vanilla voice file "Hey Im a jerk" and extract it. Rename it and give it the same name as the file that you just deleted from your own mod folder.

Copy that file to your mod voice folder.

Click on the new piece of dialogue you just created in the CK, highlight the voice type and hit generate lip file (wav).


If you wish, you can use the skyrim fuz tool to generate fuz's from the wavs and lip files you just created. It heavily compressed them into one file without loss in quality.







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