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Jenassa bug


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Hi all,


my Jenassa follower suddenly won't use any weapons, not even her default ones, she just rushes into the fight, except if I give her strong melee weapons (before, she would use her bow). Also, she wears pretty good armor (exquisite saviors hide and elven stuff) but it does not seem to be considered in battle, if I mis-shoot a single arrow she is dead. What can I do?


I don't use any mods which affect companions.

Edited by domanz
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Hi all,


my Jenassa follower suddenly won't use any weapons, not even her default ones, she just rushes into the fight, except if I give her strong melee weapons (before, she would use her bow). Also, she wears pretty good armor (exquisite saviors hide and elven stuff) but it does not seem to be considered in battle, if I mis-shoot a single arrow she is dead. What can I do?


I don't use any mods which affect companions.


1. Open the console with `

2. Target Jenassa

3. Type "showinventory"

4. Search for the weapon that you wish for her to equip

5. Look at the ID of the weapon (should be a bunch of numbers such as 0000ac62 or some such)

6. Type "equipitem IDNUMBER"


She should have it equipped.

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Thanks for the tip, gonna try that next time, I don't think that's the solution though, she equips the glass bow, but as soon as battle starts (and enemy still far away) she unequips and charges bare-handed ^^ I solved it now by killing and resurrecting her, giving her back her gear and now she uses the glass bow again ^^
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Ok, so I got her to use weapons again... but her armor still is not working. She wears saviors hide exquisite, rating of 86 and some other good elven stuff but she got down on her knees after two hits from a f-ing MUDCRAB. Any ideas how to fix this? She is only a hindrance this way, more than ever.
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  • 6 years later...
  • 1 year later...

I made Jenassa use an enchanted ebonite bow and better arrows on PC. I think it can be usefull for some people too.


empty her inventory manually

open console, click on Jenassa



press enter


read ID of the hunting bow


enter: unequipitem huntingbowIDnummer

press enter

enter: removeitem huntingbowIDnummer 1

press enter


Same for the default infinite arrows if she uses them.


Then spawn better arrows of your choice in your inventory

enter in the console: help "item name" 0


read ID nummer of the item you wish to get


enter: player.additem betterarrowIDnummer 5000



Put the bow and arrows in Jenassa's inventory,

Go for a fight


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