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new and cool alteration spells package


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hi guys


this is the first thing to write ever in this website, English is my second language, but ill do my best to explain, and sorry for any mistakes


i have a new idea of making some sort of new and unique alteration spells.


the spells is about to cast enchantment on not enchanted weapon and give special effects.


the spell level starts from apprentice level with minimal efficiency, and can be upgraded to a more powerful versions, up to it's ultimate effect on master level.


this mod is about enhancing your "one handed weapon" attacks , with some cool and powerful effects, with a high cost of health, stamina, and/or Magica. so the element of managing the resources and challenges to survive will be presented.




Enchant weapon to do extra damage with the cost of health, if reuse the spell within 30 second, cost to cast will be increased by 10%.


Health cost is 10% of max health, but with every level to health will reduce the cost by 0.2% of max health.




Enchant weapon to more extra damage and stagger the enemy with cost of 15 % of max health and 5 % of max stamina.


if reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 % and for stamina by 5 % of their max’s.


With every level to health or stamina cost will be reduced by 0.2 % or 0.05 % respectively.




Enchant weapon with extra damage and stagger enemy and slow them for 15 second with cost of 20 %, 5 % and 30 % of health, stamina and magicka respectively of their maximum.


If reused within 30 seconds, cost for health will be increased 10 %, 5 % for stamina and 5 % for magicka

With every level to health, stamina or magicka, casting cost will be reduced by 0.2%, 0.05% or 0.05 % respectively.


Master (must be dueled):


After casting the spell, for 30 seconds, damage taken will be ignored by 40 % and 10% of damage will be absorbed until reach a certain threshold,


then weapon will be enchanted with the ultimate strike, that will blow away the main target (like unrelenting force) and knockdown other enemies surrounded the spell user and reduced everyone armor by 25% for 30 seconds.


Casting the spell will cost 50 % of health, 50 % of Stamina and 30 % of Magicka, of their maximum.


Reuse the spell within 1 minute will increase the cost by 10 % for health, 10 % for stamina and 10 % for magicka.


Leveling any specific attribute will reduce the excution cost by 0.05 % for health, 0.05 % for stamina and 0.01 % for magicka.


i am trying to make this balance and integrated with other skills as possible as i can,but this is my limit so far :D , so if anyone has an opinion to make this better, please do share your Idea.


the problem i don't know how to mod, so "mod creators" please make this mod.



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