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Better Vampires (I know)


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To start off I think that if a mod to improve vampires was made that when you are a stage 4 vampire instead of everyone instantly trying to murder you(because vampires love walking around showing everyone their gnashers) there is a 1% or so chance of someone recognizing you as a vampire. Also I think that vampires should be a lot stronger as well and maybe if you sneak up behind someone that is standing you could have a 25% chance of doing a assassination where you completely drain said person of blood.


Please tell me what you think of my suggestions and if you have the skills tell me if the mod is possible to make.

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I was a vampire, but decided to get the cure after 26 days because I feel that the vampire level increases too quickly. I would fast travel to a location just to find that when I get there I'm a level 4 vampire and everyone wants to kill me (even though I'm wearing a dragon priest helm and no-one can see my face). I think that feeding every day is a bit much because it means you have to spend too much time trying to find a victim, especially as all npcs are awake at 2:00 am and you can't bite standing people from behind.


IMO a good vampire mod would have:


Enthrall power - makes victim into 'follower' so you can tell them to sleep or to forget you etc.

Vampire levelling reversed - a vampire should strive to be well-fed instead of starving, and should draw power from the blood they consume. Therefore a starving vampire should be the weakest and have the least influence over people

Blood meter - feeding fills it up, using powers drains it. Once it is at maximum you become the next stage of vampire, and if it empties you lose a stage. It also slowly drains during the day. It could change colour to represent what stage vampire you are.

Only lesser powers - make all vampiric power into lesser powers, just balance this with high blood usage.

Vampire perks - you know you want them...

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I was a vampire, but decided to get the cure after 26 days because I feel that the vampire level increases too quickly. I would fast travel to a location just to find that when I get there I'm a level 4 vampire and everyone wants to kill me (even though I'm wearing a dragon priest helm and no-one can see my face). I think that feeding every day is a bit much because it means you have to spend too much time trying to find a victim, especially as all npcs are awake at 2:00 am and you can't bite standing people from behind.


IMO a good vampire mod would have:


Enthrall power - makes victim into 'follower' so you can tell them to sleep or to forget you etc.

Vampire levelling reversed - a vampire should strive to be well-fed instead of starving, and should draw power from the blood they consume. Therefore a starving vampire should be the weakest and have the least influence over people

Blood meter - feeding fills it up, using powers drains it. Once it is at maximum you become the next stage of vampire, and if it empties you lose a stage. It also slowly drains during the day. It could change colour to represent what stage vampire you are.

Only lesser powers - make all vampiric power into lesser powers, just balance this with high blood usage.

Vampire perks - you know you want them...


Would like to see vampire powers reversed as well as the feeding needed reduced myself. It's a bit much to have to feed so often with what little gain you get from vamprisim. I might would actually give it a chance then.


I honestly don't understand how starving yourself increases your power anyway. Vampires in lore are at their fool strength AFTER they feed, not when they've starved for four days.

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