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Help on a simple Armor mod


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How far out did you move them Clarian?


What I did with the UV map was, I moved the parts I wanted to get rid of all into a corner of the image that wasn't mapped to anything. I also blacked out the alpha channel over where I moved them, though if that area wasn't mapped to anything, it might not have mattered. I also may have got lucky that there was a good bit of unused space with that particular texture to move them to.


But you only really need to edit the UV map if there's an overlap between parts that you do and don't want to remove.


You can fix missing body parts under the armor without blender, I've gotten that to work. You just need to add a full body to the mesh. (There's usually a partial body that you'd be replacing.) That tutorial that I linked above basically shows how to do that.


I thought there were issues with adding in meshes from other files. Anyway I am kind of new to this and do not seem to be able to figure out the Alpha stuff do you think you could point me towards a good tutorial? the adding of the body mesh I can do already.





Anytime you use nifskope you will be dealing with meshes at least till you surpass my level of experiance

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I was able to add meshes from other files with no problem. (Incidentally, just as proof-of-concept, here's the mod I made: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1959) Well, once I figured it out it was no problem. Nifskope can be finicky about some things. But that tutorial had everything I needed.


For alpha channel stuff, this illustrates the basic concept: http://www.axialis.com/tutorials/misc/tutorial010.jpg


The black parts are invisible, the white parts are visible. But if you have two different meshes in your nif, an armor one and a body underneath it, the alpha stuff on the armor texture only effects the armor. So the part of the armor that you black out will be invisible, and the body mesh underneath will show through.


Uzidian - You'll probably have to work with both the texture and mesh. The reason being, by default the armor nifs only have a partial body mesh underneath them, so if you removed the torso there would just be a void underneath it instead of a body.

Edited by Clarian
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