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Rhianna II Preview


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Due to a few requests and a desire to share experiences and get feedback, I've posted an alpha version of Rhianna II at her home page, Rhianna Goddess Companion. I hesitated doing this because she's not quite stable yet and still has no voice, but her scripting is so complex and new that I wanted to get her out there for feedback from fellow modders. She is definitely playable, but "your experience may change" with new versions. She's a total rewrite - no shared code and no conflict with old Rhianna. Except the same name and face might confuse you if you load them together. :)



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Where is she? She isn't in the feed bag, nor do I get a quest that points to her. There is no readme within the rar file


You should get a summon spell for her as soon as you start the new mod. The introduction stuff hasn't been done yet. Well, actually it has - I did it over the weekend. But it's not in that version. like i said - this is strictly an alpha version for fellow modders to review. Did you look at it in the CS?



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