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Very Strange Crash??


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Was testing out some mods.. I went into Vilverin, saved, went into the next layer (canosel), saved. Loaded the carousel, crashed, loaded vilverin, fine.


I had a saved game in wendesel, it kept crashing. It seems i can't save there. I've tried multiple tests...


um, any suggestions? I know the file isn't corrupt -.-


just tried openning some of the older saves. Some of them work, some of them don't... what's causing the randomness? lol


nvm, I figured out what's causing it. I'm using a mod that allows you to have multiple summons at once. In all cases of the crashing saves, I have 1 or more summons up. In all cases of the working ones, I have no summons up.


I guess i can't save while a summon's up. What a bummer... ><

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